Wisteria Sun Hat

Wisteria Sun Hat


This extra wide kettle brim hat is made of raffia straw with a black grosgrain band.

This piece looks like something you either scored at an antique sale or inherited from a family member. (Don’t blame ya if you pretend you did so people don’t bite your style).

One Size
Color: Natural
100% Straw / 100% Rayon Grosgrain Band
Handmade in New York

Fits 21 5/8" - 24"
Hat Size: 6 7/8 - 7 3/4

The best shade in the world comes from a wisteria tree. The second best shade comes from the Wisteria Hat.

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This hat body was hand sewn in New York using imported braided straw. Straw is lightweight & breathable, providing shade and cooling effects.


This hat is not crushable or waterproof. Brush clean with natural bristles. Never wash, but soiling/stains can be wiped clean with a lightly damp cloth.

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